The following organizations offer helpful education and job-related resources, services, and information for all job seekers. Click the green button to open the website in a new window.
Adult Career and Continuing Education Services is comprised of three primary areas: Vocational Rehabilitation (including Independent Living Administration), Adult Education, and Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision.
Career School participants: NYS Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision
The Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York's (CIDNY) goal is to ensure full integration, independence and equal opportunity for all people with disabilities by removing barriers to the social, economic, cultural and civic life of the community.
GED Compass
GED compass offers various GED resources, especially help with completing the GED in 2013 before the changes to come in 2014.
Health Information Tool for Empowerment (HITE) is a FREE online resource directory for social workers, caseworkers, discharge planners, and other information and referral professionals.
idealist is a job search and job posting site with listings of many open positions in New York City and elsewhere.
Legal Action Center
Legal Action Center fights discrimination against people with AIDS, criminal records, and histories of addiction.
The Literacy Assistance Center (LAC)
LAC is dedicated to advancing adult literacy as a core value in our society.
Workforce One
WorkforceOne offers Individual Training Grants through NYC Department of Small Business Services.
NY Employment Services System
Ticket To Work Recipients: NYESS employment system.
The Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services administers a comprehensive statewide education and training program for alcoholism and substance abuse professionals through its Bureau of Workforce Development's Training Unit. Find out information on CASAC applicable credits.
Veterans Affairs Job Bank
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Vet Success program connects veterans to career development and other services.