ICD has been helping people transform their lives through career development and employment for 100 years. We specialize in serving New Yorkers with barriers to employment gain economic independence through career planning and evaluation and career school programs.

Career Planning and Evaluation

Whether your goal is finding a job that utilizes current skills, or gaining new skills and training, ICD’s counselors help determine the right path to get there.

ICD's Career School provides job training through hands-on classroom learning, real-world internships, and  interpersonal skills development.

Services For Employers

ICD provides job-ready, motivated employees, and also consults with employers regarding the hiring of veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Building Upon Our History

ICD is a NYC not-for-profit workforce development organization. We have been a leader in the field of vocational rehabilitation since 1917.

If you need help applying to ACCES-VR, ICD is hosting free application assistance sessions, click here to register.

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To learn more about ICD, please contact us today.
To make a donation to help ICD further its mission, click here.